Home Garden

How to Isolate Pipes in an Attic

Many homes have plumbing installed in the attic. This can make isolating which pipes feed specific fixtures difficult. But it's possible to isolate pipes using a noise-generating method. Because pipes contain liquid, sounds travel faster than they do in the air. When you tap on a pipe in one part of the house, you can hear the resulting noise in the connected fixture several rooms away. This means you can isolate pipes using sound.

Things You'll Need

  • Hammer
  • Helper
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    • 1

      Go into the attic while a helper stands at the fixture that you want to isolate in the attic.

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      Gently tap on each pipe inside the attic using a hammer. Hit the pipe hard enough to make a distinct sound, but not so hard as to break or damage the pipe. Begin at one side of the attic and make your way to the other side, hitting each exposed pipe along the way.

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      Continue hitting pipes until your helper hears a distinct banging noise coming from the drain of the fixture. Have your helper yell out to you to stop once he or she hears the tapping noise coming from the drain. When your helper hears the tapping noise, you have successfully isolated the pipe that feeds that fixture.