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How to Synchronize a Hydraulic Cylinder

Factories use pressurized fluids through lines for machine operation. The machines may have hydraulic cylinders to control movements. If the machine has two or more hydraulic cylinders that must operate at the same time, speed or pressure, the cylinders need to be synchronized with the use of flow logic valves.

Things You'll Need

  • Flow-control logic valves
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Computer
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    • 1

      Install a flow-control logic valve on each hydraulic fluid line leading to the cylinders. Tighten the threaded end connections onto the pipe line.

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      Allow fluid to flow through the valve to ensure there are no leaks. Connect the wiring to the solenoid and valve card to receive electronic signals from a computer system.

    • 3

      Monitor the amount of fluid pressure flowing to the hydraulic cylinders with a computer. Adjust the amount of flow to the cylinders by sending an electrical signal through the computer system. Match pressure flow leading to both cylinders until the lines are the same, synchronizing the hydraulic equipment.