Home Garden

How to Make Shower Water to Come Out Hot Sooner

Waiting for hot water to flow from the shower can be a drag, especially when you are in a hurry. While waiting for the hot water, you are also forced to allow the water to run, which wastes water. You can decrease the time it takes for the water to warm up by either warming up the pipes or installing a device that will either warm the water or keep it from flowing from your faucet until it is hot enough.


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      Run hot water in the sink before turning on the shower. While you are brushing your teeth, allow the hot water to run in the sink. This allows the warmer water to run from the water heater up to your bathroom pipes, essentially warming the pipes and flushing the cold water out.

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      Install a push-button hot water pump under your sink. A hot water pump forces water from the water heater to the hot water pipe when the start button is pushed. This water is then forced into the cold water pipe and back again into the hot water heater inlet, in a loop, until the pump detects an increase in water temperature. Once the temperature increases, the pump shuts off and allows the hot water to flow out of the shower or sink. Many pumps claim to increase the time it takes for water to heat and decrease water waste.

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      Install a recirculation system with a timer in the home. These systems are also equipped with a gauge that measures water temperature. The system will trap the hot water supply line so it is ready to flow at preset times. Be aware that a recirculation system can increase energy bills. Recirculation systems install to your drain lines under the sink.