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How to Separate Rusted Pipe Fittings

Pipe fittings are small, round metal pieces that connect pipes or tubing, allowing sections of pipes to be joined. Sometimes a pipe fitting must be removed to repair a leaky pipe or replace a pipe. If the fittings have rusted, they are more difficult to remove. Because most pipes handle water or steam, there is a strong likelihood of rust formation. There are a few effective methods for separating rusted pipe fittings.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towel
  • Mineral oil
  • Commercial lubricant
  • Hammer
  • 2 pipe wrenches


    • 1

      Cut off the flow of water or steam (or whatever flows through the pipes you want to work on).

    • 2

      Apply a lubricant such as mineral oil to the pipe fitting and to the connecting pipe, using a paper towel. The lubricant softens any hardened rust on the pipes. For extensive rust, use Step 3 instead.

    • 3

      Apply a commercial lubricant such as Liquid Wrench, WD-40 or PB Blaster, suggests the Mr. Hardware website. Spray on one of these lubricants, then wait a few minutes.

    • 4

      Hit the pipe fitting with a hammer or a pipe wrench to loosen it up. Hit a little harder if the rust is difficult.

    • 5

      Place one pipe wrench on the pipe fitting. Place a second pipe wrench on the connecting pipe. Move the wrenches in opposite directions at the same time, suggests the On the House website, to provide leverage to break away and separate the pipe and the fitting.

    • 6

      For truly stubborn rusted pipe fittings, apply more lubricant to the pipe and the fitting and wait 15 to 20 minutes. Then use the two pipe wrenches again as described in Step 5.