Home Garden

Tips on Diamond Technique Painting

Painting the walls of your home adds protection to the wall material and improves the aesthetics. Creating a visual design such as a diamond pattern accents the room decor and creates visual appeal. The proper tools and painting technique ensures a symmetrical pattern with clean paint lines.
  1. Tape

    • Having the proper masking supplies is essential to creating a flawless diamond paint design. A quality masking tape allows you to tape out your design and ensures accurate lines without paint bleeding underneath. Make sure the tape you get is rated to stay on a painted surface for at least two days without damaging the existing paint surface. Choose a width that fits your design with wider tapes being easier to paint without making mistakes.


    • Using tools to lay out your design will ensure a finished product that is uniform with straight lines to form your diamond pattern. A ruler allows you to measure out key points on the wall to line up your tape to. You can use a long straight edge or ruler to draw template line directly on the wall to place your tape on and to check your finished line with to ensure they are straight. You can cut out a master diamond to use as a template if you are creating diamonds of all the same size. Tape the diamonds in place before tracing with a pencil to prevent the template from moving.


    • You should start by painting the wall the lightest color of the pattern and let dry completely according to the paints instructions. Once you have your tape on, go over all the tape one last time pressing it down to make sure there are no loose edges. Use a small 4- or 6-inch roller for smaller diamond patterns and a full-size roller for large patterns. Some paints may require you to use a second coat of paint for even coverage.


    • It is essential to wait until the paint is completely dry before attempting to remove the masking tape. Most latex paints should dry for a minimum of one to two days for optimum dryness. Remove the tape slowly, keeping your grip on the tape close to the area being removed or the tape could rip or damage the paint line. The paint lines will have small smudges where some paint got under the tape, they are very difficult to prevent and will not be visible from farther than a few feet away.