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What Gets Paint off Rough-Cut Cedar Boards?

Removing paint from wood lets you refinish the original wood material while providing a blank canvass for new paint colors and textures. Four options exist for stripping paint from rough-cut cedar boards: manual tools, power tools, chemical strippers and integrated paint stripping. You can purchase everything needed for each of these methods at local paint or hardware stores. Keep in mind that any paint coating dating from before 1978 contains lead and therefore constitutes a health hazard.
  1. Manual Tools

    • Removing paint from wood lets you refinish the original wood material while providing a blank canvass for new paint colors and textures. Four options exist for stripping paint from rough-cut cedar boards: manual tools, power tools, chemical strippers and integrated paint stripping. You can purchase everything needed for each of these methods at local paint or hardware stores. Keep in mind that any paint coating dating from before 1978 contains lead and therefore constitutes a health hazard.

    Power Tools

    • Numerous power tools strip paint from wood, including power sanders, sand blasters, hoses, electric heating pads, hot-air guns and blowtorches. Power cleaning, such as power washes with waters, sandblasting and power sanding, strips peeling paint by blasting it away. Check a tool manufacturer's manual before using it with cedar, as very strong cleaning implements can damage soft lumber like cedar. Heating tools, like blowtorches, hot-air guns and electric heating pads, soften hardened paint by partially melting it. This weakens the bond between the paint and wood, allowing easy removal.

    Chemical Strippers

    • Chemical paint strippers are good for stripping materials from a clean paint coating with no peeling sections. Chemical agents in these strippers use weaken or destroy the bond between the wood and paint, letting you easily strip the paint. Two types of paint strippers exist: caustic and solvent based. Caustic strippers work quickly but can damage wood fibers if left on too long. When working with soft wood like rough-cut cedar, stick with solvent-based strippers, which dissolve the bond between paint and wood. Wear gloves when applying solvent-based strippers, as they may irritate the skin. Always read the labels for chemical strippers to get the right product for your wood and paint type, or ask a paint store or hardware store employee for advice.

    Integrated Paint Stripping

    • Integrated paint stripping entails using multiple types of strippers for removing paint from a wooden surface. Heating well-bonded paint or a chemical stripper weakens paint bonds. Then, removing as much paint as possible with a power sander or scraper before sanding the wood creates an even finish and removes all remaining paint. Integrated paint stripping attacks paint from different angles, providing a multifaceted approach for removing paint from rough-cut cedar. Consult books at your local library or magazines like “This Old House” or “Fine Woodworking” for optimal methods for your particular combination of cedar and paint.