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How to Edge High Ceilings

High ceilings can be difficult to maintain. They are out of reach of most normal household ladders, so they can begin to develop cobwebs and dust. Painting them can be difficult as well. Like with any painting project, the first step is edging, which is cutting the paint in along the edges so you do not run paint over onto an unwanted surface. To do this on a high ceiling, you will need some special equipment and a helper.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloths
  • Extension pole
  • Synthetic duster
  • Extension ladder
  • Helper
  • Painter's tape
  • Small paint tray
  • Interior paint
  • Mini-roller


    • 1

      Lay drop cloths on the floor of the room. Cover all the furniture with drop cloths as well.

    • 2

      Screw a synthetic duster onto the end of an extension pole. Dust the corners of the high ceiling to remove any cobwebs.

    • 3

      Set an extension ladder against the wall and extend it to the spot where the wall and ceiling meet. Have a helper hold the ladder steady as you climb up until you can reach the ceiling.

    • 4

      Put painter's tape on the wall where it meets the high ceiling. Put the tape all the way around the top edge of the wall, moving the ladder as necessary.

    • 5

      Pour the paint you have selected into a small, hand-held paint tray. Take the paint tray and the mini-roller up the ladder.

    • 6

      Paint the edge of the ceiling with the mini-roller. The painter's tape will keep the paint off the wall. Continue all the way around the ceiling, moving the ladder as necessary. Always keep your helper at the foot of the ladder, holding it in place.