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How to Remove Red Wine Stains From Paint

When red wine is spilled, the resulting stain is difficult to clean and remove. By treating the spill and stain as quickly as possible, you increase the chance of removing the stain. Older, set-in stains are more difficult to fully treat. For a painted surface, treatment must be gentle to avoid damaging the underlying paint. If red wine stains persist on a painted surface, the surface may need to be repainted to fully cover the stained area.

Things You'll Need

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Towel
  • Detergent
  • Vinegar
  • Alcohol
  • Bleach


    • 1

      Determine the type of paint that the red wine has stained. A latex flat paint damages easily and will need to be treated more gently than a more durable enamel paint.

    • 2

      Dampen a sponge with cool or lukewarm water and blot the stained area. Do not rub the area to avoid spreading the stain and damaging the paint.

    • 3

      Mix a small amount of gentle detergent with several drops of vinegar, and apply the solution to the paint using a sponge or towel. Sponge the solution off of the paint with clean water.

    • 4

      Spray alcohol onto the stained area or use a clean cloth or towel to blot the stained paint with alcohol. Continue to apply alcohol if the stain is flowing from the paint to the towel.

    • 5

      Mix equal parts bleach and water and apply the solution to the paint with a sponge or towel. Blot gently until the stain is lifted. Test a small area of the paint before using bleach as it may alter the color of the paint.