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How to Paint a Concrete Floor for a Workout Room

Making a new workout room is a great way to repurpose an unused basement, garage or enclosed patio. But before you move in your workout equipment, it's a good idea to spruce the place up a bit first. Painting the floor of a concrete room is a great way to add life, color and a sense of purpose. Although the project may sound daunting, it is easy to apply a professional-looking coat of paint on a concrete floor with the right tools and techniques.

Things You'll Need

  • Industrial vacuum
  • Trisodium phosphate powder
  • Bucket
  • Long-handle broom
  • Mop
  • Etching solution
  • Painter's tape
  • Long-handle paint roller
  • 2 paint rollers
  • 2 paint trays


    • 1

      Move all of the furniture out of the room.

    • 2

      Vacuum the entire floor surface with an industrial vacuum. If you don't have access to an industrial vacuum, sweep the floor twice with a broom and dust pan. Pay special attention to cleaning the edges and corners of the room.

    • 3

      Clean the floor with a long-handle push broom and a trisodium phosphate (TSP) solution. Mix 1/2 cup TSP powder per gallon of hot water. Wet the floor with the solution and scrub. Follow with a clean water mop to remove all of the solution off the floor.

    • 4

      Etch the floor. Etching is like chemically sanding. It roughens the surface of the floor and gives the paint something to adhere to. Mop a concrete etching solution onto the floor. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application methods. Plan your application route so that you back out of the room at the end of the job without having to walk over any treated areas.

    • 5

      Remove the etching dust from the dry floor with an industrial vacuum or broom and dustpan according to the instructions in Step 2.

    • 6

      Apply painter's tape to the bases of the walls to protect them from the concrete paint.

    • 7

      Apply two to three coats of concrete paint to the floor, allowing each coat time to thoroughly dry before painting the next one: Pour paint into a paint tray and use a long-handle paint roller. Plan your application route so that you back out of the room at the end of the job without having to walk over any paint. Follow the paint manufacturer's instructions. If the paint requires a layer of primer before you apply the first coat of paint, use a primer made by the same manufacturer. Allow the paint to dry for the manufacturer-recommended amount of time between coats and for the listed "cure time" before you move on to the next step.

    • 8

      Apply two coats of sealer, allowing the first to dry completely before you apply the second. The sealer will help keep the paint in place when you move heavy workout equipment over the floor. Pour sealer into the unused paint tray and use the unused paint roller. Plan your application route so that you back out of the room at the end of the job without having to walk over any paint. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application methods, drying times between coats, and cure times.