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House Painting Supplies & Tools

House painting doesn't just require physical labor to get the job done. It also requires specific painting tools and supplies that will help you achieve your painting goals. Painting a house means having the everything from the right brushes to the supplies you'll need to clean up when you're done.
  1. Painting Tools

    • The painting tool is your medium for painting. The most basic tool for painting is a paintbrush, needed to paint areas that require close attention such as door frames and window frames. For more convenience, you can use an air brush where each layer of paint is created by an even spray on the surface. Finally, paint rollers will allow you to cover large areas unlike paint brushes.

    Painting Supplies

    • Painting supplies involves more than just the paint. To paint, you will need drop cloths, duct tape, and masking tape. Drop cloths are used to cover and protect furniture, floors and carpeting from paint. If you are painting outside, you can use drop cloths to protect bushes or landscaping from paint. Use tape to seal the drop cloths in place. You can also scatter sheets of newspapers on the floor to catch paint drippings. You will also need buckets and trays for the paint, as well as ladders to paint the ceilings. As for your clothing, try to be as covered as possible. Wear an old shirt, a cap, overalls, and an old pair of closed-toe shoes.

    Cleaning Supplies

    • Painting is a dirty job. You can use paint removers to clean tools and other painting equipment. Paint thinner is commonly used for cleaning as well. Specialty brush cleaners are also available in stores and are often preferred by painters since paint thinner can damage the brushes.
      Wash your hands and arms with soap or hand cleaners that remove paint stains. These hand cleaners can be found in supermarkets and hardware stores.