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A List of Tools for Chipping off Old Paint

When repainting a room, restoring antique furniture or updating a fence, removing old paint before applying a fresh coat is important. Fully removing traces of old paint prepares wood to receive new paint that will last longer and look better. Several tools are very effective in chipping off and removing old wood paint so that it is ready to be restored.
  1. Paint Remover

    • Various brands of paint remover are effective in removing large areas of paint quickly and efficiently. When using paint remover, working in a well-ventilated area is important as these fumes can be toxic. Paint removing gels are also available.

    Paint Scraper

    • When working with older wood that is dry and peeling, paint scrapers are very useful. Paint scrapers come in many different sizes and levels of sharpness. Choosing a scraper that is ideal for your project is important. Choose larger, duller scrapers, much like putty knives, when working on a fence or door and smaller, sharper razor-like scrapers when working on windows. These paint scrapers can be purchased at most hardware stores and come in a variety of brands.


    • Sandpaper can also be an effective tool when removing old paint. After the bulk of old paint has been removed, finish up the project using sandpaper to reach corners, edges and to generally smooth out the wood, which rids the surface of rough edges, grooves or feathers. Repainting a sandpapered surface will result in a finished product that is even and smooth.