Home Garden

How to Get Rid of Frost in the Attic

Frost forming in the attic is a sign of several potential problems in the home. The frost forms when moisture inside the home is either created or travels up to the attic. The liquid freezes because of other issues with the attic or the roof. Finding the source of the moisture or pinpointing any problems with the attic insulation or roof is the most effective way to get rid of attic frost.

Things You'll Need

  • Box or oscillating fan
  • Silane sealant
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    • 1

      Examine the home from the basement to the attic for any leaks, including pipe leaks, air conditioner leaks and moisture buildup. Repair any of these leaks to prevent the moisture created from migrating upstairs, which contributes to frost formation.

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      Run a box or oscillating fan inside the attic. This will create air movement inside the space, which will dissipate any moisture in the air.

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      Examine the roof and chimney, if applicable, for any possible leaks. Repair any roof leaks with a silicone caulk or by replacing the existing damaged roofing tiles. Apply a silane sealant to the exterior surface of the chimney to prevent any possible water leaks.

    • 4

      Check the attic insulation for any holes or missing pieces. Attic insulation that is damaged will allow warm air from the home to enter the attic, mixing with the existing cool air. This mixture leads to condensation, which will lead to frost.

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      Examine the duct work leading from any of the bathroom's exhaust fans. An improperly installed exhaust fan may blow moist air from the room into the attic. If this is the case, redirect the moist air removed from the bathroom outside the home, where it will not cause frost to form inside the attic.