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How to Keep Water From Draining to a Normal Level in a Toilet

If you want to save on water, you can install low-flow toilets, but that can be an expensive project. A much more practical way to keep from using excessive water in the toilet is to adjust the amount of water that fills the bowl after a flush. If less water fills the bowl, less water is required to refill the tank. To make this change, you must adjust the float so the flapper closes more quickly, which will allow less water into the bowl. This simple adjustment only takes a few minutes.


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      Take the lid off the tank and set it out of the way on a sturdy surface.

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      Locate the float in the tank. Follow the mechanism to which the float is attached to the other end. Here you will locate a screw that adjusts the height of the float.

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      Turn the screw counterclockwise in order to lower the float. A lowered float will shut off the flapper earlier, letting less water into the bowl. Try adjusting the screw in small increments until the water flushes and fills to the level you want. Put the lid back on when you are done.