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How to Expand and Explode Foam

Expanding foam is a multipurpose product that is frequently used in construction, to put out fires and in home repair. Expanding foam is stored at a high pressure in canisters, and expands and hardens upon contact. It grows exponentially in size and, as a result of this, it

is often used in small quantities. Expanding foam can either be shop bought or home made. Cans of foam will explode if they are exposed to direct heat for a significant amount of time.


  1. Expanding Foam

    • 1

      Buy a can of polyurethane expanding foam at your local home improvement store. Touch n' Foam and Great Stuff are well-known brands of expanding foam.

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      Take a can of expanding foam and select the area you wish to fill. The foam is created as the two chemicals in the can combine.

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      Hold the can 10 inches from your desired target and spray. If you are filling a gap, only fill in a third. As you spray, the foam will automatically expand, filling in any desired crack, or creating any shape that you wish. Once the foam has expanded, it will harden.

    Exploding Foam

    • 4

      Place the can of foam in a well-cleared outdoor space. Ensure that there are no flammable objects near the can, and that you are not near a wooded area.

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      Expose the can to an intense amount of heat. An intense amount of heat can be defined as fire, strong and direct sunlight or even a bullet. As the expanding foam is stored in a high pressured container, the chemicals inside will react to the heat and explode.

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      Stand back and watch the reaction.