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What Causes Drywall Damage?

Drywall, also called wall board or plaster board, has a gypsum core. The gypsum content is noncombustible, which means drywall provides fire protection to a home. Under normal conditions, this strong board tolerates many kinds of wear and tear without lasting damage. When a section of drywall is structurally compromised, replace it with a new section.
  1. Water

    • Flood waters, burst pipes and leaky roofs are examples of how water can seep into a home's interior and cause drywall damage. The worst is the buildup of flood waters because they bring water, mud, silt and other contaminants into the home. There is not just initial water damage to consider when inspecting drywall water damage. Even though the wall board dries out, there can be lasting problems with mold or fungi growth, which can cause human respiratory ailments and other health problems.

    Stress Cracks

    • The home might sustain damage from the structure settling over time, which is normal, or from the ground shaking beneath the home. Stress cracks form along a seam where a section of drywall joins another hard surface. Cracks also happen in drywall sections with no joint.


    • Drywall damage can happen due to accidental or purposeful bumps against the wall. If you are moving a piece of furniture and accidentally bang into the wall or someone's fist goes through a wall section, the drywall might get damaged. Address these types of problems by cutting out the affected section and replacing it. Add plaster and refinish the wall section with the same paint or finish it already has.


    • Termites can infest the home's wood structures, including drywall sections. Ensure that termite infestation is really behind termite clues such as fecal trails left on window sills, wood rot or holes in exposed drywall by consulting a pest control company. On a site visit, a pest control technician can suggest whether consulting a termite mitigation company is needed.