Home Garden

How to Caulk Gaps

Anywhere in a home that one building material meets another --- say, the trim meets the wall or the bathtub meets the tile --- there is likely to be a gap. It's difficult to get different spans of material perfectly to fit tightly with one another and it isn't necessarily a good idea anyway, as most materials will move a little over time. This is where caulk comes in, sealing those gaps with a flexible seam that will give the line a finished look.

Things You'll Need

  • Putty knife
  • Sandpaper
  • Caulk tube
  • Caulk gun
  • Razor knife
  • 3-inch nail
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      Run your putty knife along the inside of the gap to clear out any obstructions.

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      Fold your sandpaper into a square and use the corner of it to sand out the length of the gap, taking up any loose paint or grime. Blow along the gap to clear it of the dust.

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      Put your caulk tube into the caulk gun. Use a razor knife to cut off the tip of the tube at a 45-degree angle. The hole should be about ¼ inch across.

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      Push a 3-inch nail down into the hole to break the interior seal. Squeeze the trigger of the gun to push caulk up to the tip.

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      Set the tip against one end of the gap. Squeeze the trigger until the caulk flows from the tip. Release the gun trigger. Caulk will continue to flow.

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      Run the gun back along the line as the caulk emerges, so it's laid in a long, smooth line. Re-engage the trigger as the caulk flow slows down. Continue this process to the end and then release the trigger and raise the gun from the surface.

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      Wet your thumb and run it along the new caulk line, pressing lightly to slightly flatten and smooth it. Let it dry for 24 hours.