Home Garden

Removing Marks on a Dried Latex-Painted Wall

Latex paint is made from a water-soluble base and is designed for areas of your home that do not receive a lot of traffic, such as dining rooms or living rooms. When attempting to remove marks from latex-paint walls, scrubbing with chemicals or natural products often is necessary to get the wall clean. However, too much scrubbing can cause some of the paint to rub off, in which case simply repainting the marked-up section of the wall with fresh latex paint is a simple fix.

Things You'll Need

  • Eraser
  • Art eraser
  • Liquid dish detergent
  • Ammonia
  • Borax
  • Bucket
  • Cleaning rags
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Sponge
  • Baking soda
  • Whitening toothpaste
  • Baby oil, mineral oil, eucalyptus oil, or mentholated topical cream with eucalyptus oil
  • Oil-based cleaner and solvent with glycol methyl ether
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    • 1

      Remove any erasable marks on your dried latex-paint wall using an eraser; gently use an art eraser made of melamine foam to get rid of crayon marks. Combine 1 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and one-third cup of borax with 1 gallon of warm water in a bucket. Soak a cleaning rag in this mixture and wipe the remaining marks off your wall.

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      Squirt an all-purpose cleaner on all of the marks you wish to remove from your dried latex-paint wall. Allow the cleaner to sit for about a minute. Scrub the marks away using a sponge or cleaning rag.

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      Sprinkle baking soda onto a damp rag and scrub the wall marks.

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      Squeeze a dab of a whitening toothpaste on a damp rag. Scrub the marks on your walls and rinse the toothpaste away with a clean, wet cloth.

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      Squeeze a drop of baby oil, mineral oil, eucalyptus oil, or a mentholated topical cream that contains eucalyptus oil onto a cleaning cloth. Wipe oil onto your latex wall’s marks. Allow the oil to remain on the wall for a minute, then scrub the marks until they go away. Wash the area with fresh water and a clean rag to remove the oil residue.

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      Spray an oil-based cleaner and solvent that contains glycol methyl ether onto your wall’s marks, particularly if you are trying to remove stubborn crayon marks. Allow the cleaner to sit for a minute, then wipe the marks away. Wash the area with soap and water.