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How to Modernize a Wrought Iron Stair

Wrought iron staircase railings are an architectural detail found in many homes across the United States. This material does have a timeless quality, but, over the years, it may become rusty, or the original black color may seem a little oppressive. Modernize a wrought iron staircase by painting it an entirely new color. This process will involve removing any rust, helping preserve the metal so it will last for several more decades.

Things You'll Need

  • Steel wool
  • Drop cloths
  • Oil-based primer for metal
  • Oil-based paint for metal
  • Paintbrushes
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      Protect the area around the staircase. Place and tape plastic drop cloths around the stairs. Do not allow any foot traffic on the stairs until you have finished the project. This will prevent potential slips on the cloths.

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      Sand down any rusty spots. If you notice any rust or metal spurs, these will need to be sanded down, using steel wool or a sandpaper graded for use on metal.

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      Prime the wrought iron. Use an oil-based primer that is intended for use on metal. This primer will help seal the metal and protect it from developing rust in the future. In addition, you will get a truer color application from your paint by using primer. Use a small brush and sweep the paint on the iron. Be careful with detailed areas or curly-q's in the metal; these will often drip. Smooth any drips out as they occur. Let the primer dry for at least four hours.

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      Paint the staircase. Once again, use an oil-based product that is made for use on metal. Failing to do so will result in peeling and chipping paint. Use the same technique for painting as you did with the primer. Work slowly and put an even coat on. Let this dry for four hours and examine it. If you need another coat, apply a second light coat and let that dry thoroughly.