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Kitchen Ballast Keeps Failing

A ballast is a device intended to limit the amount of current in an electric circuit. Signs that a kitchen ballast is failing commonly include kitchen lamps flickering on and off repeatedly in the attempt to start, lamps turning on and going out for periods of time or lamps not turning on at all. Damaged ballasts need to be replaced. Ballasts are located on an inner compartment within the light and can be easily removed and replaced with a few common tools.
  1. Common Causes

    • Various causes can damage kitchen ballasts. Bad lamps are a common cause of ballast damage. Dark circles at the end of lamps indicate that the lamps are no longer in good working condition and will eventually burn out, causing the ballast to fail and burn out as well. The wrong kind of lamps can also cause even a brand new ballast to fail. A low supply of voltage can also cause ballast to fail.

    Safety Thermal Protector

    • Ballasts have a safety thermal protector, which abruptly causes the ballast and lamps to turn off due to malfunctioning and overheating issues. In some cases, there may be a "ping," hissing or clicking sound when it turns off. Once the ballast cools off, the ballast and lamps turn back on. This typically happens after several minutes. This cycle will continue until the failing kitchen ballast is replaced. Replace the lamps as well. When replacing ballasts, look out for hot tar leaking out of the ballast, which commonly happens with a failing ballast.

    Ballast Replacement

    • The best way to fix a failing kitchen ballast is by replacing it. Old ballast types can be upgraded to more energy efficient ballasts. In some cases, the sockets need to be replaced when the ballast is upgraded, but commonly this is not required. The most important thing to keep in mind when replacing or upgrading ballasts is to be sure the lamps are also replaced; make sure also to match the exact ballast type. The kitchen light circuit from the circuit panel, typically found in the kitchen, basement or garage, should be turned off prior to being replaced.

    Preventing Ballast from Failing

    • To prevent kitchen ballasts from failing, kitchen lights should be regularly maintained. Replace light lamps every two years, depending on the amount of usage. To avoid newly replaced ballasts from failing, the lamps must be the right type for the exact ballast. In some cases, the ballast is not the problem; a poor supply of electricity might be the issue. This is especially common in kitchen light fixtures with multiple ballasts. The correct amount of voltage is marked on the side of the ballast.