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How to Remove Stone Facade Walls

A stone facade wall is usually made of real stones, cut so that one side is flat and then adhered with mortar to a cement backer board on a wall. A stone wall inside your home can be beautiful or intimidating, depending on where it is and how it's used. If you want to remove the stones from a wall, but keep the wall, the process can be laborious. Removing the wall by hand -- without using a power saw or sledgehammer -- is the most effective way to ensure that you won't damage the wall or structure behind the stones.

Things You'll Need

  • Tarp
  • Chisel
  • Hammer
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    • 1

      Place a tarp or sheet of plastic underneath the stone to be removed.

    • 2

      Place the edge of a chisel in the grout at your starting point and begin to tap it with a hammer. You must loosen the grout that binds the stones together before you can remove the stones.

    • 3

      Insert your chisel underneath a stone after you get through the grout.

    • 4

      Tap at the chisel with the hammer until the chisel is underneath the stone and you are able to pry it up.

    • 5

      Continue in this manner around the stones on the wall until you are able to use a pry bar to remove the stones.

    • 6

      Pull stones and their backing, which is the veneer, away from the wall with your hands as it becomes loose. Continue to use your chisel and hammer on tougher areas.

    • 7

      Use a tough, metal scraper to clear any adhesive or mortar still on the wall board. If you don't intend to keep the wall board to which the stones were adhered, you can unscrew it from the wall and throw it out.