Home Garden

12 Volt LED Ceiling Lights

Light emitting diode (LED) lights provide an alternative to the traditional halogen or incandescent light bulb. These lights come in many styles and colors, but they also require various voltages. The 12-volt LED is one of the more energy-saving versions of this type of light.
  1. Types

    • LED lights are typically divided into two major types. Exterior LED lights are cool white lights and are the brighter of the two major types. They work best for outdoor lighting and work areas. Interior LED lights are typically considered warm white lights and mimic the light put off by incandescent and halogen bulbs. Originally, these LED lights were not as good at emitting light as the halogen or incandescent bulbs, but the technology has improved significantly since the creation of the first bulbs so they now rival more traditional bulbs in terms of quality.


    • The technology used to produce LED lighting is such that it makes these lights more versatile than other types of light bulbs. LED lights are produced by the use of electrons, which makes it possible for the lights that are produced to be smaller than more traditional lights. Many of the interior 12-volt LED lights come in clusters that make it possible to dim and adapt the lights as needed in the home.


    • LED lights can run on low voltage. This is the case with the 12-volt LED, which uses an inverter to step down the power to the light as needed. This can result in greater longevity for the bulbs. Some interior LED lights can last as long as 100,000 hours, making them superior, in terms of durability, to incandescent and halogen bulbs.

    Going Green

    • The movement toward energy conservation makes the 12-volt LED light a more responsible choice in many respects. The bulbs of LED lights only use about half the wattage of a regular light bulb, making them an energy-saving alternative. Furthermore, their longevity and small size also minimize environmental waste. As the technology continues to improve, the need for fewer lights to perform the same amount of work may further benefit the environment.