Home Garden

How to Spot Brown Termites on a Ceiling

Termites often look like ants, so spotting them from a distance may be tricky. If you notice insects on your ceiling, try to capture some of them for identification. Termite appearances will differ, depending on the exact species and which caste they are. The three castes are worker, soldier or reproductive termite. After determining that your unwanted guests are indeed termites, look around your home for other possible signs of a termite infestation.

Things You'll Need

  • Chair
  • Glass jar
  • Rubbing alcohol
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    • 1

      Look for termites on your ceiling in the evening, as termites prefer to swarm at night. Turn on all of your ceiling lights and floor lamps and check around these areas. Termites are attracted to the light.

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      Place a chair under the area where you notice termites on the ceiling. Unscrew the lid of an empty, glass jar and step up on the chair. Capture one or more termites with the jar, sliding the lid between the ceiling and the jar's opening to trap the termites. Add enough rubbing alcohol to the jar to cover the termites if you plan to send them to your county extension for positive identification.

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      Identify brown termites based on their body length, general appearance and color. The reproductive termites initially have wings, but later shed them. They can be a yellowish-brown color or they may be black. Reproductive termites are approximately one-half inch long. The heads of soldier termites can also be a brownish color. Soldier termites lack wings.

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      Walk around the exterior perimeter of your home and look for mud tubes. These are tunnels made from mud no larger than 1 inch in diameter. If you find any, scrape them away and monitor the area. If the termites rebuild the mud tubes, you have an active infestation.

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      Look for other signs of termite damage that could indicate an infestation. Tap the walls and ceilings and listen for a hollow sound. Concentrate your search efforts on the areas where you noticed the termites. A hollow sound indicates the termites have destroyed the wood within the walls and ceilings.