Home Garden

How to Check the Ventilation in My Attic With a Smoke Test

Sealing the attic and living areas of your home is an important step toward conserving energy. However, pollutants and moisture can build up excessively if your home is too tight. Natural ventilation from cracks around doors, vents and windows lets air in, as do specially purposed attic fans, ducts and vents. Professional assessors use sophisticated equipment, such as infrared cameras, to find leaks in your attic. However, you can check your attic ventilation on your own with a simple smoke test.

Things You'll Need

  • Incense sticks
  • Lighter
  • Flashlight (optional)
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    • 1

      Close the windows and turn off the fans in your attic.

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      Light an incense stick.

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      Move the stick around the edges of common leak areas, such as the edges of windows and doors. Other areas that often leak include openings for TV or phone lines or around air conditioners.

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      Observe the areas where the smoke blows into the attic or goes outside. Use a flashlight if your attic is dark. Wherever the smoke blows your attic has natural ventilation.

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      Continue moving the incense stick around until you have checked the entire attic. Use additional incense sticks as needed.