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What Amount of Water Seepage Is Acceptable With Stucco on Concrete Block?

Stucco is an exterior finish commonly used on residential homes and other buildings. While stucco is relatively maintenance-free, it is susceptible to damage when moisture seeps through the concrete block of your home. Stucco may develop water stains and mold growth from constant contact with water.
  1. Identification

    • According to the United States Department of Interior, stucco is a type of plaster applied to the exterior of homes and office buildings. This material is applied directly over wood or concrete block. Stucco is fairly inexpensive and is effective in repelling exterior moisture. However, when your concrete block is leaking moisture onto the stucco, water damage may occur. If you have even a small amount of moisture seeping in through your concrete foundation, you must repair it to prevent future problems.


    • Any amount of moisture seeping into your stucco through your concrete block can cause some degree of damage to your home. Stucco may become stained with green mildew from even small amounts of moisture. Eventually, mildew turns into mold growth, which requires removal. If your concrete block foundation is leaking, it can also cause damage to the interior of your home or your basement.


    • Poor foundation drainage can cause water to seep around the exterior walls of your home, causing stucco to become stained. Improper foundation drainage is also a common cause of water coming into your home and causing damage to your walls and floors. According to Oregon State University, moisture may also move up through concrete block foundations and damage both exterior and interior walls.


    • Inspect the area around your home for signs of poor foundation drainage. If the ground is sloped toward your home, it will allow water to run onto your stucco and into your home. Have your lot regraded to direct water away from your home. Placing a vapor barrier underneath the concrete foundation of your home at the time of construction will slow down the rate at which moisture seeps through your concrete block foundation. Repair any cracks in stucco to keep moisture from damaging your interior walls, and remove any visible mold growth.