Home Garden

Attic Insulation Is Causing Dust

If your home is overly dusty, you won’t suffer merely from annoyance and the snide remarks made by your in-laws and neighbors. Persistent dust can actually be a health hazard. It's important to pinpoint the cause of the excessive dust in your home and remedy the problem. Attic insulation is a common cause of household dust, one which, fortunately, can be remedied.
  1. Leaky Ductwork

    • Small holes and gaps in your ductwork are enough to disturb the dust and insulation fibers in the attic. In many cases, dust and fibers are carried from the attic and delivered into your home via supply air ducts. To solve the problem, have your ductwork checked for leaks by an HVAC contractor. You can also have your duct system cleaned to remove built-up dust and debris there.

    Gaps in the Attic Floor

    • Unless your attic is perfectly sealed, holes exist between the living space and your attic. Examples of large openings include the unsealed tops of plumbing chaseways, attic access hatches, dropped ceilings, and gaps around can lights, plumbing and the chimney. Smaller holes are enough to allow dust in as well, including gaps in the drywall, around wiring and at the top plate of walls. Checking and sealing each of these areas with weatherstripping and caulking can help solve the problem.

    Pressure Differences

    • If your home has a central return vent in the hallway, and you close a door to a bedroom, the air can be supplied to the bedroom but can’t be returned via the return vent. This creates a negative pressure everywhere but in the bedroom. To equalize this pressure, air rushes in from where there is least resistance. In many cases, air comes in from the attic through the gaps and holes, bringing dust and insulation particles with it. Have your home tested with a blower door, which helps you locates gaps so they can be sealed.

    Other Remedies

    • Dust is unavoidable, even if you seal up the gaps in the attic floor, so to help get rid of it, you can vacuum frequently with a machine featuring a HEPA filter, invest in a room air purifier and frequently replace the high-efficiency filter in your furnace and air conditioner. If someone in your home has a sensitivity to dust, consider encasing mattresses and pillows in zippered covers, removing carpet from the home and using hard-surface furniture instead of upholstered items where possible.