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The Volume Control on My Delta Shower Is Leaking

If the volume control on your Delta shower is leaking, it does not mean the part is broken, necessarily. It means the cartridge inside the volume control is broken and requires a replacement. This cartridge contains the valve for the shower, so it is the only part between the incoming water and the rest of the faucet.
  1. Parts to Replace

    • You will not need to replace the volume or temperature control disk to make this repair, and you only need a few basic skills you probably already have. The only parts that require replacing include the cartridge and the gaskets on the end of the cartridge. You might also want to replace the O ring while you are fixing the faucet, because this part is easily accessible during the repair.

    Volume Control Facts

    • The volume control is located on the end of the faucet; it is a disk that acts like a rotational stop on the handle. It is not part of the valve, though it does influence how much water from each inlet pipe flows into the faucet. Since this part is not a valve itself, it is not a cause of leaking. Water will leak out through this part, however, if the valve in the faucet is damaged. This is simply because the water forces its way out around this part.

    Repairing the Problem

    • To repair the problem you have to take the faucet apart. First, shut the water off. Then remove the handle to get to the valve. This involves taking out the set screw in the side of the handle and pulling the handle off. After you pull off the handle, you can take off the trim, the sleeve on the front of the faucet and the nut that holds the cartridge valve in place. Once the nut is off, just pull the valve out.

    Replacing the Valve

    • After the old valve is out, insert new gaskets into the inlet holes in the shower body and then install the new valve. All that remains is rebuilding the faucet by replacing all the parts you removed one at a time in the reverse order to how you removed them. The volume control is part of the cartridge, so this part does not have to be replaced. It will already be on the new cartridge you install.