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How to Get Rid of the Clinkers in a Quadra Fire Wood Pellet Stove

In a perfect world, your Quadra Fire Wood Pellet stove will cleanly burn the pellets, causing the disintegrated wood to fall into the ash trap, which is then emptied. However, clinkers occur and cause a buildup on the unit’s burner grate, leading to serious performance issues. Clean the clinkers properly to prevent damaging the unit’s burner grate.
  1. What are Clinkers?

    • The clinkers are a by-product of the fuel used and must be removed promptly and properly to ensure the Quadra Fire Wood Pellet stove continues to run smoothly. When the fuel is dirty, or shelled field corn is burned, the clinkers form because the by-products are not completely burned off. If left untreated, the crystalline chunks of dirt and ash can plug the burn pot by hampering the amount of air flow in the unit.

    Eliminating the Clinkers

    • Allow the Quadra Fire Wood Pellet stove to cool down completely. Don’t risk burning yourself by attempting to remove the clinkers from the hot stove. Open the stove’s door and locate the clinkers. Use a flashlight to find the cleanout rod, which is at the front of the unit. Grasp the rod and pull it out of the unit. If the rod is difficult to move, use a flat screwdriver to remove the excess material. Continue to move the cleanout rod in and out until the majority of the clinkers are loosened and fall to the unit’s floor.

    Disposing of the Clinkers

    • Push the loosened clinkers into the ash pan with your hand or an ash tool, a specialized rake that is available where your pellet stove was purchased. Pull the ash pan from below the unit and empty it into the garbage can. An alternate method is to scoop out the loosened clinkers from the Quadra Fire Wood Pellet stove’s floor and place them into a garbage can. Either way, pay attention that the unit is completely cooled and the firebox is closed before lighting the unit.


    • Prevent issues with air flow by cleaning the clinkers out daily. If you burn shelled corn or an inferior fuel source, the firepot may require cleaning several times a day. Also pay attention to the flame size, which is outlined in the unit’s owner’s manual. An improper flame size also impedes the unit’s ability to effectively burn the pellets.