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What Natural Ingredient Helps Melt Ice on Your Doorstep?

Ice on your doorstep is a potential hazard for you, your family, guests to your home and even your mailman. Doorstep ice deposits occur often as the result of heat from your home hitting the snow built up on your porch or around your front door. The warm air melts the snow, and the cold temperature freezes it back into ice. Natural remedies and natural ingredients let you melt the ice and remove it from the doorstep without using any manmade chemicals.
  1. Salt

    • One of the most common substances used for melting ice, according to Farmers’ Almanac, is salt. Visit any home improvement store during winter and you will find a variety of salt-derived ice melting products for sale, including liquids and rock salt, which comes in little chunks. Both types work to melt ice. You scatter the rock salt or pour the liquid directly on the doorstep ice, and it slowly melts the ice into water that you can push off your slab. Avoid using the salt on metal surfaces, as it can cause corrosion. Salt is also potential risky when used around fabric and clothing because it can cause discoloration or fraying.

    Sugar Beet Juice

    • Sugar beet juice reduces ice on sidewalks and driveways because the natural substance makes ice freeze at a lower temperature than 32 degrees Fahrenheit. You can apply beet juice before the ice forms or after it has formed. When used before an ice storm, the juice keeps ice from forming on the doorstep. When used after a storm, the juice slowly melts the ice into a liquid. The natural product works effectively on other areas of your home.

    Melt With Heat

    • The natural enemy of ice is heat. For small areas around your doorstep, consider using a small amount of heat, such as a hairdryer. Aim a hairdryer at the ice and turn it on a low setting. Move the hairdryer back and forth until the ice melts. If the ice stays in a solid form, try increasing the heat to a higher setting. Soak up the melted ice with old towels or rags, moving the water away from the doorstep.

    Other Products

    • Urea and alfalfa meal melt ice. Both substances are commonly used as fertilizer. The high nitrogen content in urea mimics the effects of salt on ice. Urea comes in a liquid form that you simply pour or spray onto the ice. Alfalfa meal comes in a powdered form with a consistency similar to sand. Like salt, you simply sprinkle or pour it on the ice.