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How to Pressure Test Pool Equipment

Pressure tests help identify leaks in a pool system. Even a slow leak negatively affects a pool's performance and the sooner the leak is found, the less expensive a repair is likely to be because there isn't as much collateral damage. Pressure tests close a pool's piping systems off and then insert water pressure into them. If the pressure in the system starts dropping, it indicates a leak. A pressure testing kit helps make this process simpler and more efficient.

Things You'll Need

  • Closed-test plugs
  • Pressure induction system
  • Garden hose
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      Turn off any pumps that currently feed the pool system so you don't damage the system during the test.

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      Plug all the openings but one in the pipe, hose or system you wish to pressure-test using closed-test plugs that are included in a pressure-testing kit.

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      Hook up a pressure induction system to the remaining opening in the system. Follow the directions for your specific kit when doing this because it varies slightly per model, but a garden hose plugs into the induction setup and a gauge connects the hose to the opening in the pool pipe or hose.

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      Turn on the garden hose to get the pressure in the pool system up to 20 psi according to your pressure gauge.

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      Turn off the hose and close the valve on the induction system. Watch the gauge. If the pressure starts dropping, the system has a leak. If the pressure stays constant, no leak is indicated.