Home Garden

DIY Dehumidifiers for Vents

Dehumidifiers collect moisture in the air to reduce humidity levels. Most dehumidifiers are large, electric appliances. If vents in the home collect moisture, there’s a simple solution using calcium chloride to reduce the humidity. Calcium chloride is commonly used on sidewalks and driveways to reduce ice and moisture after snow. It attracts moisture and dries areas to make walkways safe and clear driveways after plowing or shoveling snow.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic containers
  • Calcium chloride crystals (ice and snow melter)
  • Plastic wrap
  • Rubber bands


    • 1

      Gather one or several small, plastic containers. The containers should be small enough to sit inside or outside the vents that require dehumidifying.

    • 2

      Pour calcium chloride into each container about ½ full.

    • 3

      Place plastic wrap over each container and secure it with a rubber band. Poke several holes in the plastic wrap for ventilation.

    • 4

      Place the plastic container in or near each vent.