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How to Repair a Roof Vent on a Pop-Up Camper

A pop-up camper is a camper with a solid base and a tent-like attachment that forms the upper walls and roof of the camper when it is set up. Pop-up campers are often more cost-effective than regular campers and you can store them in smaller places with lower ceilings. However, the constant setting up and tearing down of the camper can cause wear and tear on the material, especially if it has a vent. Repairing a roof vent on a pop-up camper requires a few basic materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Mild detergent
  • Sponge
  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Nylon brush
  • Caulk gun
  • Roof sealant
  • Roof repair tape


    • 1

      Lower the trailer if you have it fully set up. The lower you can get the roof, the simpler the vent is to fix. Climbing on the roof of a pop-up camper is not feasible, if it is a soft variety.

    • 2

      Wash the area around the vent with warm water, a mild detergent and a sponge. This removes any dirt or dust that interferes with the repair.

    • 3

      Pry the vent open with a screwdriver, if it is warped from impact damage. Likewise, if the vent is warped, careful application of a hammer helps reshape it correctly.

    • 4

      Apply a nylon brush to the perimeter of the vent to remove any sealant coming loose.

    • 5

      Apply fresh sealant around the vent with a caulk gun to prevent vent leaking. Give the sealant several hours to fully dry. Read the package on the sealant to ensure it bonds properly to the material of your particular camper.

    • 6

      Cut strips of roof repair tape and apply around the vent to add more strength to the borders most likely to leak.