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What Are the Benefits of a Water Jet?

Water jets are used to cut steel, aluminum, stone and other types of materials. These machines work by using pressurized water forced out of a small opening to cut through materials. The primary benefit of water jets is that they offer versatility.
  1. Versatility

    • Water jets can cut a wide variety of materials and do so in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Various parts can be created from water jet machines and materials can be changed quickly and easily.


    • Computer programs control the head of the water jet machine. Water jets use the information from a program in order to produce a part. Water jet machines can also be used to make drawings.

    Heat Generation

    • Heat generated by the water jet machine is absorbed into the water then sent into the catch tank. Overall, water jets produces a very small change in temperature. No heat affected zones (HAZ) are created on the materials being cut and the machine won't cause warping or generate poisonous fumes.


    • Water jet heads are dangerous and placing body parts in front of the head is extremely dangerous. Pressure will drop if a leak occurs. Water is non-explosive and the abrasive materials in water jets are non-toxic.

    Other Benefits

    • Water jets use garnet for abrasive techniques and garnet is a non-reactive, environmentally friendly material. Water jets can machine thicker materials, they have a lower equipment cost and performing maintenance on these machines is simpler than other types of cutting devices.