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Helpful Handyman Tips

When it comes to performing various repairs around a home or business, certain skills are necessary to get the job done right the first time. From small-scale plumbing problems to repairing appliances and more, a handyman must be a jack-of-all-trades, knowing a little bit about a lot of small home-improvement issues. Learning a few key tips will go a long way toward building your knowledge base when performing odd handyman jobs.
  1. Keep Your Tools Organized

    • Since you might perform an array of small jobs at one time, you should have everything you need to complete a project in an organized area. Keep a toolbox full of useful tools and materials that can apply to various situations. From hammers, nails and pliers to wrenches, screwdrivers, nail and glue guns, the efficient and organized handyman will have everything he needs in one place. This way, you won't have to search around for the right tool and waste time.

    Never Bite off More Than You Can Chew

    • Handymen often are capable of completing all types of tasks. However, you should recognize which projects you can complete, based on your skill set. For example, if you know a little bit about plumbing and can fix small leaks, don't attempt a large-scale commercial plumbing job that falls outside of your expertise. Handymen generally take care of small repair issues, thus saving homeowners or businesses the expense of hiring a more experienced professional or service. Therefore, it is important that you only take on the projects you know you can successfully complete.

    Be Versatile

    • When you are offering your services, don't be afraid to market services that seem mundane. You would be surprised at what people will pay someone else to do. While a handyman mostly does repair jobs, she also may be hired to store large items in an attic, set up or break down large-scale holiday decorations, clean and maintain outdoor appliances, hang up pictures, and even house sit.