Home Garden

How to Price Plant Care

People are on the go, and although they may love having plants, they sometimes neglect them. For those who travel a lot, having someone care for their plants and check on their homes is a service they may be willing to pay for. Businesses, too, often have a lot of plants to make the workplace welcoming for clients and employees, but they need someone to come in and do the daily or weekly maintenance. If you have a green thumb and the drive to own your own business, providing plant care could be ideal for you. One of your first jobs, even before you start looking after clients' plants, is figuring out what to charge. The key is to make sure your customers get a reasonable rate, while you get fair compensation for your time and hard work.


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      Write down the list of plant-care services you will offer.

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      Detail what each service entails, including the amount of time needed. For example, if you are offering plant maintenance in a home, write down how much time you expect each visit to take.

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      Estimate your overhead, including travel costs, phone service, materials and equipment.

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      Call other plant-care services in your area. Find out what they charge. This will help you determine how much you will charge.

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      Calculate your hourly wage, based on what you want to make and your overhead. Compare this with what other businesses are charging. If the figure for your services is lower than what your competitors are charging, you're ahead of the game. If it isn't, consider how you can lower your overhead or your hourly rate or how you can make your service better than the competition.

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      Consider adding other services to your plant-care business, like pet care or house cleaning. Adding other services can help you enhance your bottom line. This is especially true if the need for plant care is limited in your area, but there's demand for something else.