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How to Hire A Home Improvement Handyman

Having the right person working on your home can mean the difference between costly mistakes and quality job. Your home is one of your biggest investments, and you should only have quality-minded professionals work on it. With a bit of research and planning, you can make an informed decision and hire the best-qualified handyman to perform work on your home.


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      Define the home improvement project. Whether it is one task or several, take a few minutes to write down the task(s) in need of attention. Be as detailed as possible. If painting a room, have the new color selected. Prioritize this list as budget constraints may force you to spread the completion of these tasks over time.

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      Ask people you know for handyman referrals. Start by asking your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Also ask local area professionals such as real-estate agents, home inspectors and general contractors for referrals.

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      A quick phone call can help determine the right match for your home project.

      Call your prospective handymen. Have your project list handy to see if the tasks you need done are within the realm of skills possessed by each particular prospect. Some tasks may be more complex and require a licensed plumber, electrician or HVAC contractor.

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      Ask the prospective handyman several questions to ascertain his experience and quality of workmanship. Who will actually be performing the proposed work? How many years of experience does he have? What education, training and certifications does he possess? What warranty does the company offer?

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      Inquire about pricing. Pricing can be by the hour or by the project. For larger projects, an in-person site visit is often needed to gather additional information for developing an accurate estimate.

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      Written contracts help both the homeowner and the handyman.

      Perform background and reference checks before hiring. Contact a few references of people that the handyman has done previous work for locally. Also, verify license (if required) and insurance coverage. At a minimum, a handyman should have general liability insurance and many states require worker's compensation insurance. Contacting the local Better Business Bureau for a rating and review of any past complaints is also advisable

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      Review the written contract agreement before signing it and prior to any work being performed. A clear written scope of work and payment terms should be a part of this agreement. Ask questions for clarification and amend the written agreement if needed. Having everything clearly written out will help to avoid any future misunderstandings.