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How to Estimate the Costs for Drainage Work

The term "drainage work" can refer to a few different types of repair jobs within your home, including repairing a clogged pipe or fixing a backed-up toilet. In any case, drainage issues can be very disruptive to your life and can even make certain rooms of your home unusable until the problem is fixed. You can estimate the costs of the drainage work beforehand to ensure you're getting a good deal, whether you hire a professional or do the work yourself.


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      Expect to pay around $50 for a quality handheld drain auger if you want to clear a clogged drain yourself.

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      Figure you will pay close to $100 for an electric drain auger, which can make clearing the drain easier on you.

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      Add $100 to your do-it-yourself budget if you don't own a plumbing wrench, which is necessary to take drain pipes apart.

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      Estimate the cost at about $90 to $325 for the drainage work to be done by a professional plumber, according to the website Cost Helper. The cost depends on the hourly rate of the plumber, which can vary widely according to location and the plumber's experience.

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      Factor in problems that make clearing the drain more difficult. For example, if it must be accessed through your roof, a second plumber will be needed so that one can operate the equipment from the roof while the other works inside. With some companies, this will double the hourly rate, Cost Helper says. Moving a toilet can also tack on an extra fee.