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My Fuel Oil Furnace Is Not Igniting

An oil furnace is a traditional type of system that works by igniting oil to produce enough heat to warm air. The oil is sprayed through a specialized nozzle that creates a fine mist of oil droplets and air, which a pilot flame can ignite. If the system is not working correctly, there may be something wrong with the ignition unit or with the oil nozzle itself. Most of these problems can be repaired easily.
  1. Common Malfunctions

    • Sometimes a fuel oil furnace develops a minor signal problem between it and the thermostat or runs into a similar difficulty with its sensors. Most oil furnaces have a rest button that is designed to resolve these issues. Find your reset button on the furnace control panel and press it. Wait for several minutes and then try to use your furnace again. Do not press the button more than three times, or the system might lock you out.

    Electrical Issues

    • Some furnaces can have electrical issues that prevent igniters from working. The motor of the burner assembly can burn out, so the main burners cannot light. The wiring between the thermostat and the furnace can malfunction as well. These issues are the most difficult to pinpoint and fix, so it may be best to call in a professional to test your electrical connections.

    Clogged Nozzle

    • The nozzle that the oil is sprayed from can collect dust over time and eventually become clogged. This is more common if the oil you use has a high amount of impurities, such as recycled oil. If the nozzle becomes too clogged, it will not be able to produce enough mist for the furnace to ignite. This problem can often be solved by either cleaning or entirely replacing the nozzle component.

    Clogged Filter

    • Sometimes your oil filter can become clogged as well, which slows down the oil flow and can create a problem similar to a clogged nozzle. The air vents your furnace uses may also become blocked, in which case the furnace may not have enough air to ignite the flame at all. Check your oil filter and air ducts for any potential blockages to see whether you can solve the problem.