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My Oil Furnace Does Not Start Unless I Press the Reset Button

An oil furnace uses a nozzle that sprays a fine mist of air and oil that can be easily ignited with a traditional pilot light or an electrical spark. Some oil furnaces are older versions that have operated for years, while others are modern versions that use recycled oil to produce heat. In both versions, you can push a reset button on the furnace to start it up if the unit unexpectedly shuts down. If you are using the reset button often, your furnace may have problems.
  1. Electrical Issues

    • If the furnace needs to be reset, it has detected an emergency and run a command to fully shut off rather than risk combustion problems. Sometimes, the electrical work, not the furnace burner system, has the problem. If power to the furnace is cutting in and out, you may have to reset the furnace each time it loses power. The sensors the furnace uses can also fail, causing similar problems.

    Burner Problems

    • If your burners are not igniting properly, the furnace will shut down and need to be reset. The reset button is tied to sensors that detect whether the flame on the primary burner is on or not. If it is not on when it should be, the furnace will shut down. If your burners are clogged or have other issues that cause them to not light properly, your furnace may need to be reset often.

    Dirt or Condensation

    • The sensor itself may be functioning correctly, but it may not be able to sense the burners properly because of other factors. If your oil furnace is very dirty from built-up contaminants, or if condensation has formed inside the furnace, the furnace may incorrectly sense problems and shut down. Proper venting and a full cleaning of the furnace can often solve these problems.

    Reset Management

    • When you use your reset button to make your furnace start again, be careful how often you push the button. Pushing it once should be enough to restart your furnace unless you have a serious electrical issue. If you try pushing it more than three times, the system may lock you out to avoid damage or combustion. In this case, you will have to call in a professional.