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Screeching Noises in My Hydro-Flame Furnace

Hydro-Flame furnaces are small furnace systems designed for RVs and trailers. These furnaces work like space heaters. They experience more wear than home furnaces due to the harsher conditions in RVs. This wear will eventually cause your Hydro-Flame to make noise. A screeching sound indicates problems with metal attachments within the unit.
  1. Loose Mounting

    • Your Hydro-Flame is connected to your RV through bolts. If these bolts wear down or rust, they will loosen, and the components of the furnace will start swaying back and forth when the furnace activates. The vibration causes metal to scrape against metal, causing the screeching sound. Fortunately, this is easy to fix by replacing old bolts with new bolts.

    Motor Issues

    • The screeching noises may also be coming from your motor, which drives the fan system. If the motor is starting to burn out, or it has a bent motor shaft, it makes loud noises as it runs. Replace the motor before it burns out completely to prevent damaging other parts of the system.

    Damaged Fan

    • If the furnace's fan or blower wheel becomes bent or warped, the fan will scrape against itself every time the fan turns on. This will cut grooves into the metal, causing a screeching sound. Replacing these furnace parts is the only way you can fix this problem.

    Duct Restriction

    • Your furnace needs a discharge duct in order to expel exhaust. If this vent becomes blocked, your furnace makes noise as it tries to vent the fumes. Make sure that all ducts are fully open, so no debris clogs the vents.