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My Boiler TPR Is Leaking

A TPR -- short for temperature and pressure relief valve -- is an essential component of any furnace or boiler. A broken, defective or leaky TPR valve is a serious safety hazard, and if yours is leaking, you should not run your boiler until it has been fixed or replaced.
  1. Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves

    • The temperature and pressure relief valve is an important safety feature on all modern boilers. Its function is essentially to release hot water and pressure if the boiler's internal temperature or pressure rise to an unsafe level. Temperature and pressure relief valves can fail in an number of ways, but leaking is the most common. A defective valve may not actually cause a catastrophic boiler failure, but it will fail to prevent one if other problems occur. So while your boiler can indeed run with a leaky TPR valve, it is not safe to do so.

    Risks of a Leaking Valve

    • TPR valves can leak for a variety of reasons. One of the most common is that the valve is just improperly installed. It should include a pipe to carry the potential steam and hot water discharge from high boiler pressure to a safe location. Without this pipe, the water will leak into whatever room the valve is located in. This is a particular risk to children, because TPR valves are usually installed within a few inches of floor level. Valves may also leak as they get older simply due to rust, corrosion and regular wear and tear.


    • A leaky TPR valve is often easy to spot, especially if you catch it in the act of leaking. Puddles on the floor and wet carpet are also tell-tale signs. Buildup of rust, corrosion and mineral deposits on and around the valve are also signs of leakage. Even if you do not actually see the valve leak, this sort of buildup indicates that it has leaked in the past. It may no longer leak, either because the problem has been fixed or because the valve has become so clogged with mineral deposits that steam and water can no longer get through.

    Valve Replacement

    • If your TPR valve is leaking or if it is defective in any way, it needs to be replaced. Unless you have expertise in the area of boiler repair, this is a job that requires a professional service technician to carry it out. A technician can also inspect the rest of your boiler system to insure its safety and possibly find the root cause of the leak.