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My Carrier Air Handler Makes a Humming Noise When Shutting Off

Carrier air handlers are designed to cycle air in and out of furnace systems. They are an integral part of residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or HVAC, systems that use ductwork, because the air needs to be propelled to reach every room in the house. In some instances, the humming sounds from these air handlers can be frequent and may not be a cause for alarm. However, in other cases, that humming may indicate problems that require expensive replacements of other parts of your system. If the humming started suddenly and has no discernible cause, you may need to call a professional contractor.
  1. Vibration

    • Air handlers are secured with bolts and brackets. As the blower system slows down, its rhythm can intensify vibration caused by loose bolts or corroding brackets. The result is a louder humming noise while the blower stops working. Loose connections will not harm the handler, but the humming sound may get worse. New bolts or connectors, or some quick work with a wrench, may reduce the noise.


    • The Carrier blower, which is the main component of the air handler, may be the cause of the humming sound as well. Check the blower and fan system carefully. Dust and bits of debris stuck on or near the fan may be responsible for the noise, and a thorough cleaning can help restore proper sound. The sound may also be caused by a damaged fan belt, which will need to be replaced before it breaks completely.


    • One component of the air handler is the air filter, which catches dust and pollen as air passed through the HVAC system. If the filter is loose or was installed incorrectly, the air flow can cause it to vibrate and shudder. A dirty filter will slow down air flow and may also be responsible for new noises or changes in the level of noise produced. Cleaning or replacing the filter can solve this problem.

    Outside Units

    • If your air handler is clean and operating efficiently, the humming may be coming from another HVAC component and may be noticeable only when the fan has slowed down. Humming from outdoor evaporators or condensors, for example, can echo through the system. This may indicate dirty coils or pumping issues with the primary units, which also hurts the efficiency of your system. Clean your coils and listen for further sounds that could indicate more serious problems.