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Natural Gas Boiler Problems With the Water Intake Running

Natural gas boilers use gas burners to produce heat. In precision steam boiler systems, the heat creates steam by keeping water in a very specific temperature range. This steam is then used for a variety of heating applications in both factories and homes. A key part of the system is the water intake or water inlet pipe, which continuously adjusts the amount of water in the boiler. Sometimes the water intake can fail and start running abnormally. This may be due to several reasons.
  1. Settings

    • The steam boiler may have an option to switch between continuous operation and a more traditional setup where water is added at consistent intervals. Your boiler settings may need to be switched if you want to prevent a constantly running water intake problem. If the boiler has recently malfunctioned, you may need to reset it to begin proper water intake operation once again. If a reset does not work, consider calling a professional for a closer electrical analysis.

    Feed Valve

    • Water intakes use feed valves that open to add more water to the boiler and close when not used. If a water intake is running too often and causing an imbalance in the boiler's water content, the problem is often connected with the feed valve. This valve can age, become corroded and eventually stop working. This may result in a failure to fully close, which allows water to leak in. Water with a high level of minerals or contaminants may also be responsible for jamming the valve.


    • For more advanced boilers, especially precise steam boilers, the water intake system uses a sensor to detect the level of water in the boiler, which tells the system when to open and shut the boiler. Sometimes the feed valve itself may be working correctly, but this sensor has become dislodged, failed or developed wiring problems. Replacing or adjusting the sensor may prevent the water intake from running correctly and stopping when it is supposed to.


    • One reason the water intake may be constantly running is the boiler itself. If the boiler has developed a leak, the intake will need to run often just to replenish the lost water. Leaks can occur in a variety of places and be difficult to find. Sometimes the boiler can corrode and leak through the drainage system unnoticed. Check the boiler components carefully for any signs of leaks or damage if the water intake itself appears to be operating correctly.