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Should Fresh Concrete Be Watered Down?

Though concrete may appear settled after only a couple of days, it takes weeks for a solid concrete surface to properly cure. Throughout the curing process, there are steps that you can take to ensure your concrete dries as healthily as possible. Making the right decisions during the curing phase will help you achieve the result you desired with your concrete, without fear of cracks or other blemishes. Watering down concrete is one way to keep it hydrated as it dries.
  1. The Curing Process

    • Once you have poured, shaped and smoothed your concrete, it goes through a chemical process of hardening. After a few days, you will be able to walk on the concrete, and in a couple of weeks, it is safe for cars, pets and all kinds of activities. While curing, concrete absorbs any and all moisture it can find, which means you may need to provide more to ensure it cures properly. It may sound counterintuitive, but keeping the concrete moist helps it dry.

    Misting a Slab

    • The easiest way to water down your slab is to coat the surface in a light mist from your water hose. You will need to evenly water the slab to prevent color differentiations from one area to the next, but a light layer of moisture each day is very helpful for a slab in the process of drying. You do not want to over water the slab as this can affect the drying process, so try to apply as little water as possible and keep the application to a fine mist.

    Curing Blankets

    • A more complicated method for keeping a slab moist involves the use of specially designed curing blankets. These blankets, usually made of cloth or burlap, are spread across the surface of your slab and soaked in water. The curing blanket keeps the entire slab moist and evenly distributes the water from one end to another. When you are finished with the blanket, you can simply remove it by peeling it off the surface of the slab.

    Sealing and Cures

    • One of the most important things you can do for your concrete is seal it with a proper sealing product. Sealant helps prevent stains and makes the slab easier to paint, so it is an excellent method for protecting and enhancing your slab. Several sealing products are combined with curing chemicals, allowing you to seal and cure with the same applications instead of having to come back later once the slab cures. Cure and seal solutions are very effective at both keeping the slab moist and preparing it for daily use.