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How to Fix Buyer Code Violations

Buying a house can be a challenge in itself. It can be even more frustrating if you've found out that you have code violations that need to be fixed. Unless you address the code violations, you can be subject to fines and other legal action brought against you by your local municipality. Fixing the code violations involving your home is a matter of finding out what the violations are to determine how they should be repaired.


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      Create a list of all the buyer code violations that you're encountering with your home for future reference. Visit your local municipality's website to obtain a copy of the most recent building codes. If your town does not have a website, pay a visit to your town hall to obtain public records of potential codes that can be violated.

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      Check the local statutes surrounding real estate acquisition and code violations. Depending on your locality, you could potentially be able to recoup the costs of the code violation repairs from the seller of the home if it appears that he hid the violations from you. Speak with a lawyer before starting any litigation to ensure that you are within your rights.

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      Get in touch with contractors if you plan on outsourcing the work, or create a list of required materials for fixing the violations if you're doing your own labor.

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      Obtain any required working permits from your town before beginning the construction. Obtaining the necessary permits is essential or else you may be fined, adding to any financial woes that your current code violations may be causing.

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      Work on the structural violations and then move on to electrical and plumbing. The safety of the building is paramount as its occupants face an increased risk of injury if these problems are not fixed and your home is not brought up to code.