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What Can Be Used to Break Down Carpet Glue on a Concrete Floor?

If you are planning to paint your concrete floor or simply want to lay new flooring on a flat, clean surface, break down the carpet glue first. There are several ways to do this, so educate yourself on the pros and cons of each glue remover. Once you have removed the glue, you are ready for your fresh, new flooring.
  1. Preparing the Surface

    • Whether you choose a chemical or a natural glue remover, properly preparing the floor achieves the best results. Remove as much of the glue as possible with a glue scraper or putty knife. Working carefully and gently avoids damaging the floor. Later, vacuum or sweep up any loose glue. This helps the adhesive remover to work properly.

    Chemical Strippers

    • Commercially available chemical strippers dissolve the glue. Before you begin, you protect your hands with gloves, open windows for ventilation and test a small section of the floor ensuring the chemicals do not damage it in any way. If the chemical stripper does not cause any damage, apply it with a paintbrush to areas where glue remains, or sponge and wiping it away with a clean, damp cloth. Repeat as necessary until all the glue is dissolved. Let the floor dry thoroughly before laying any new flooring.

    Natural Strippers

    • If you want to minimize your chemical exposure, use a soy-based, biodegradable adhesive remover on the glue. First, coat the floor with the remover with a mop or sprayer. Allow the adhesive remover to soak into the glue for 10 to 20 minutes. Do not let the adhesive remover dry, so cover the area with plastic if you are working in a warm, dry climate. Scrape the loosened glue off the concrete. Repeat the process as needed. Wash the floor with soapy water and rinse it. Let the floor dry for at least 24 hours before applying new flooring.

    Alternate Methods

    • Pour boiling water over any areas of glue. Let the water absorb for 10 to 20 minutes, and then hold a heat gun over the area for a few more minutes. When the glue is pliable, scrape it off with a putty knife. To break down glue with dry ice, protect your hands with gloves. Hold dry ice on the glue until it freezes and becomes brittle, and then quickly scrape it off with a dull knife.