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Carburetor Cleaners to Remove Oil

Carburetor cleaners aggressively attack debris or foreign objects found in or on metallic machine components. Parts that appear to be hopelessly tarnished emerge from a cleaning with all their original qualities restored. Petroleum-based gums and varnishes are cleared from even the smallest ports and passages, allowing continued use of complex and expensive parts. This powerful and potent substance should be used only with an understanding of the properties and limitations this product is known to have.
  1. Safety First

    • Take all recommended precautions when working with carburetor cleaner of any sort, for any project. The cleaner is highly flammable, and the vapors emitted are heavier than air. Any errant spark might ignite pooled vapors and set the container on fire. Use the cleaner in a well-ventilated area. Avoid inhalation of cleaner mists and vapors with appropriate respiratory protection. Use gloves and protective eyewear to avoid direct contact of these body surfaces with the cleaner.

    Dip Tanks

    • Heavy, baked-on oil or gasoline deposits are typically removed from metal parts by use of a dip tank. Parts are placed in a metal basket that is lowered into the carburetor cleaner container. Industrial carburetor cleaner containers are equipped with an agitator that gently moves the basket back and forth, like a washing machine. The action shortens cleaning times, but merely soaking parts in fresh cleaner usually yields good results in less than an hour.

    Aerosol Cans

    • Spray cans of carburetor cleaner are more popular than dip tanks, but the same cautions apply to this method of application. Aerosol propulsion may help the cleaner blast away oil or grease deposits from flat surfaces. Clean away thick materials with rags or scrapers to aid efficient product employment. Use the small red straw included with the product to direct cleaner through tiny passages or hard to reach locations. Remove cleaner residue with hot water, and dry the parts with compressed air.


    • Carburetor cleaner can instantly mar the finish of painted surfaces, plastics and chrome. It can melt any rubber or plastic parts that might become immersed in it for any length of time. Some metal parts that soak too long may distort or dissolve. Abundant products are available to remove oil or grease with less hazards than those presented by carburetor cleaners. It is not normally recommended as a general degreaser and might best be reserved for its intended purpose.