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Time of Year to Fix Concrete

Many homeowners are faced with the task of repairing concrete surfaces that have degraded over time. Concrete often develops a number of problems, including cracking, pitting and filming. Because concrete contains a great deal of water that can suffer effects from temperature variations, do-it-yourselfers must consider what time of year to fix their concrete problems or take measures to provide the right conditions for their repair materials.
  1. About Concrete

    • Concrete is a mixture of Portland cement, aggregate and water. Most concrete is composed of 10 to 15 percent cement, 60 to 75 percent aggregate and 15 to 20 percent water. This mixture is very plastic when wet, but dries to a hard, rock-like surface. The drying process, called hydration, is affected by the composition of the mixture as well as the ambient temperature around the work area. Choosing the best time of year will help to create a solid and successful repair.

    Working With Concrete Materials

    • In order for concrete to cure properly, crystals must form bonds between the sand and aggregate. When temperatures are too low, the water in the mixture freezes, preventing the formation of these bonds. The concrete then dries slower. Conversely, when the temperature is too high, the water in the concrete evaporates and causes these bonds to form too quickly, creating cracking and reduction in strength of the material. Hot, breezy weather is the worst time to do concrete repairs, according to home improvement expert Tim Carter of the AskTheBuilder website. Cloudy, damp weather around 55 degree Fahrenheit is the optimum environment for concrete repairs.

    Best Time of Year To Repair Concrete

    • The recommended temperature for pouring concrete is between 45 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the BossConstuction website. Weather that varies from this range will affect the drying time of the concrete. Given this limitation, the best time to work with concrete varies from region-to-region. Homeowners in the northern states will find the best conditions from spring to early fall. Southern do-it-yourselfers should do their concrete repairs in the early spring to mid-summer and late fall.

    Repairing Concrete

    • Successful concrete repairs involve gluing the new concrete onto the old concrete. The easiest way to do this is to create a bonding medium. Remove all loose material from the repair area, then remove all dust and clean the hole. Mix Portland cement and water to a paint consistency and use this mixture to paint the area to be filled. Pour the mixed patching compound onto the damaged area and allow it to dry. When the patch compound is partially dry, use a piece of lumber to scrape over the area to level it.