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Glass Blasting for Rust Removal

Many methods of removing rust from metal are available, including sanding, chemical compounds and sandblasting. Sandblasting uses abrasive media shot at high speed at materials to remove paint coatings, rust and other surface materials. Many types of media are used, including aluminum oxide, steel shot, corncob, walnut shells and others. Glass beads are another type of media often used for rust removal on automotive parts.
  1. About Glass Bead Blasting

    • Glass beads, when shot at high-speed at materials, produce a bright, clean matte finish on surfaces. The advantages of glass bead blasting are numerous, including being environmentally friendly, as well as being chemically inert. The process does not change the dimensions of the material. It also produces a brighter, more attractive surface than other blasting media. The glass beads can be re-used up to 30 times, which makes it a sustainable material for industrial use.

    Glass Bead Media

    • The smaller the glass beads, the smoother the surface produced. Larger glass beads produce a more textured finish, according to the CompetitiveEdge website. Beads sizes range from 20/30 mesh extra coarse to 170/325 fine grade. The beads are made from soda-lime glass that is lead-free, formed into ball shapes.

    Removing Rust With Glass Bead Blasting

    • Glass beads are often used to remove rust from parts during the restoration of classic automobiles because it will not damage the thin sheet metal. Glass bead blasting removes paint from the metal surfaces without the harsh, toxic chemicals used in stripping compounds. Different sizes of glass beads may be used progressively to remove rust from the parts for a completely clean and smooth finish. Glass blasting will also reveal any problems in the metal surface that must be repaired before refinishing.

    Types of Materials That Are Glass Blasted

    • Glass bead blasting can be used on aluminum, steel, stainless, copper, bronze, sterling silver, plastic, glass and rubber. It is often used to clean industrial machinery and on decorative parts. Glass beads do not penetrate the surface of the material being blasted, so more delicate parts can be cleaned of rust or paint without damage. Glass beads can also be used to clean tile and grout on swimming pools. Glass beads are also used on fine wood furniture to remove paint and varnish coatings.

    The Glass Bead Blasting Process

    • Sandblasting requires special equipment, including a blasting cabinet or room, and an air compressor to power the blaster and protective clothing for the operator. Small pieces of material are placed in the cabinet, which then closed. The operator stands outside the cabinet and operates the nozzle through leather gloves to shoot the beads at the object. The object to be cleaned may be repositioned a number of times to hit all angles with the media to create a smooth and even surface.