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What Is the Problem if My AC Keeps Flipping the Breaker?

A breaker is designed to protect your home’s wiring from overheating and starting a fire. It flips when something is wrong. If you continue to have this problem, discontinue use of the AC unit until you can determine the underlying cause.
  1. Loose Circuit Breaker Connection

    • You could have loose connections at the circuit breaker. A loose connection occurs when the wire connecting to the breaker isn’t tight enough. As a result, your circuit breaker will flip. If you suspect this is the problem and aren’t comfortable working with electricity, contact a licensed electrician. He will help you check the circuit breaker to determine if it has loose connections. He will also check the wiring in your circuit breaker for corrosion. This is common cause for circuit breaker flipping.

    Replacing the Breaker

    • Circuit breakers do get weaker as they age. This means, running your AC unit several years ago might have been fine, but as the circuit breaker ages, it can’t handle it anymore – resulting in more circuit breaker flips. Replacing a circuit breaker might cost about $50 to $100 plus the cost of labor if you hire an electrician, reports the All Around the House website.

    Cleaning the AC Unit

    • Another simple fix might be examining your AC unit for dust and dirt. It might need to be cleaned. When the inside of the AC unit is dirty, it can experience air blockage. This causes your AC unit to overhead. As a result, your circuit breaker does what it’s designed to do - it trips.

    AC Malfunction

    • Check how much energy your AC unit is using. The amount of energy an air-conditioning unit varies; based on the size of the unit. Typically, the unit will specify how much energy the unit draws. For example, a 2-ton air conditioner unit might consume about 2 kW, according to the Mapawatt website. If the unit isn’t running within specifications, it might need to be serviced by a licensed air-conditioning repair person.