Home Garden

Homemade Pull-Down Attic Stair Cover

Pull-down attic stairs allow you to keep the entrance to the attic tucked out of sight and out of mind, but they also allow cold drafts to come through your home from the floor above. While weather-stripping the panel up to the stairs is one way to keep out drafts, you can also make a pull-down attic stair cover out of foam and duct tape to further insulate the area.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Foam board
  • Utility knife
  • Duct tape
  • Broom
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    • 1

      Climb up into the attic and close the stairs behind you.

    • 2

      Measure the width of the opening through which the stairs drop. This is measurement A. Measure the length of the opening through which the stairs drop. This is measurement B. Measure the height by which the stairs rise above the floor from their closed position and add 1 inch. This is measurement C.

    • 3

      Cut two strips of foam board with a utility knife. For the width of the strips use measurement C and for the length use measurement A. Cut two more strips of foam board. This time, use measurement C for the width and measurement B for the length.

    • 4

      Tape the strips together so that they form a boxy frame that will fit around the opening of the stairs.

    • 5

      Sweep the opening around the folded-up stairs with a broom.

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      Place the box frame around the opening. The walls of the box should be taller than the closed stairs. Attach the box to the floor with strips of duct tape.

    • 7

      Measure the opening of the foam box and cut a foam rectangle that matches this measurement. Place the rectangle squarely on top of the box. This is the lid for the stair cover. Run a line of tape along one long side of the rectangle to attach it to the box below.

    • 8

      Use the cover by pushing it open when you want to get into the attic and puling it shut behind you when you want to descend.